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Tytuł książki:

The Trial

Autor książki:

Franz Kafka

Dane szczegółowe:
Wydawca: Wordsworth
Rok wyd.: 2008
Oprawa: miękka
Ilość stron: 172 s.
Wymiar: 120x190 mm
EAN: 9781840220971
ISBN: 978-18-4022-097-1
Data: 2012-08-03
pozycja niedostępna

Opis książki:

When people use the adjective Kafkaesque, it is The Trial they have in mind - the nightmarish world of Joseph K., where the rules are hidden from even the highest officials, and any help there may be comes from unexpected sources.

K. is never told what he is on trial for, and when he says he is innocent, he is immediately asked innocent of what Is he perhaps on trial for his innocence Could he have freed himself from the proceedings by confessing his guilt as a human being Has the trial been set up because he is incapable of admitting his guilt, and hence his humanity The Trial is a chilling and at the same time blackly amusing tale that maintains, to the very end, a constant, relentless atmosphere of disorientation and quirkiness. Superficially the subject-matter is bureaucracy, but the storys great strength is its description of the effect on the life and mind of Josef K. It is in the last resort a description of the absurdity of normal human nature.

Książka "The Trial" - Franz Kafka - oprawa miękka - Wydawnictwo Wordsworth. Książka posiada 172 stron i została wydana w 2008 r.