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Tytuł książki:

The New Great Game in Central Asia

Autor książki:

Tomasz Stępniewski

Dane szczegółowe:
Wydawca: Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski, KUL
Rok wyd.: 2012
Oprawa: twarda
Ilość stron: 144 s.
Wymiar: 176x250 mm
EAN: 9788377025383
ISBN: 978-83-7702-538-3
Data: 2013-03-05
pozycja dostępna Wyślemy w czasie: 24 h

Opis książki:

The 21sl century has seen a steady growth of the importance of Central Asia (Kazakhstan,Kirgizstan,Tajikistan,Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan). Is was there that the Great Game, a struggle for supremacy and influence, was played between the British and the Russianempires in the 19th century. Nowadays, the metaphor of the New Great Game is employed to refer to the riwalry forpower over Central Asia between such actors of world politics as China, Russia and the USA, along with the Eurapean Union, Iran and Turkey. The region s appeal and significance to International politics derive from its huge oil and gas reserves, its geopolitical situation, growing threat of International terrorism (born in Afghanistan and Pakistan), drug trafficking migrations and religious fundamentalism. This volume adds to the practical and theoretical dimensions of the debate on Central Asia. As such,it will be of interest to researchers, analysts, students, journalists and all those interested in International relations. Tomasz Stepniewski

Książka "The New Great Game in Central Asia" - Tomasz Stępniewski (red.) - oprawa twarda - Wydawnictwo Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski, KUL. Książka posiada 144 stron i została wydana w 2012 r. Cena 25.35 zł. Zapraszamy na zakupy! Zapewniamy szybką realizację zamówienia.