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Tytuł książki:

The Ladies of Grace Adieu

Autor książki:

Susanna Clarke

Dane szczegółowe:
Rok wyd.: 2006
Oprawa: twarda
Ilość stron: 240 s.
Wymiar: 160x240 mm
EAN: 9781596912519
ISBN: 978-15-9691-251-9
Data: 2008-11-13
pozycja niedostępna

Opis książki:

Like Clarkes first novel, the bestselling Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell, these eight stories (seven previously published) are set in an England where magic is a serious but sometimes neglected field of study. The first story sees the erudite Strange tangling with country witches. Others show Austenesque concern with love and its outcomes ("Did you not hear me ask you to marry me?"), often involving fairies. In "The Duke of Wellington Misplaces His Horse," the duke visits Faerie, a kingdom located on the other side of the wall in the village of Wall (a location Clarke borrows from Neil Gaiman and Charles Vess), and meets a woman whose needlework affects the future. In the footnoted "Tom Brightwind or How the Fairy Bridge...," a "monumental" stone bridge is built in one afternoon. Clarke humorously revisits Rumplestiltzkin in "On Lickerish Hill," in which it is revealed that "Irishmen have tailes neare a quarter of a yard longe." Clarke may have trouble reaching a new audience in short form, as the stories provide less opportunity to get lost in fantastical material, but the authors many fans will be glad to have these stories in one volume.

Książka "The Ladies of Grace Adieu" - Susanna Clarke - oprawa twarda - Wydawnictwo BLOOMSBURY. Książka posiada 240 stron i została wydana w 2006 r.