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Tytuł książki:

The Good Life

Autor książki:

Jay McInerny

Dane szczegółowe:
Wydawca: Vintage
Rok wyd.: 2006
Oprawa: miękka
Ilość stron: 368 s.
Wymiar: 110x180 mm
EAN: 9780307278395
ISBN: 978-03-0727-839-5
Data: 2008-11-13
pozycja niedostępna

Opis książki:

Jay Mc Inerneys new novel seems from the outside to be composed of the most disheartening elements: The Good Life is about a group of privileged New Yorkers who are led to reassess their lives—and become in many ways better people—in the wake of the 9/11 attacks. The plot premise seems so pat and topical that the reader is likely to take fright. But there is mercifully no need. It is a tribute to Mc Inerneys many talents that he can wrest from his schematic structure a novel that is both tender and entertaining. As often in Mc Inerneys world, we find ourselves among a wealthy and ambitious elite, whom the novelist seems both intensely drawn to and repelled by. The focus is on two New York couples: Russell (publishing) and Corinne (screen writing), Luke (ex-banker) and Sasha (charity). Mc Inerney brings an amusingly bitchy eye to bear on their lifestyles (for example, a characters double-height living room is described as appearing "to be holding its breath, as if awaiting a crew from Architectural Digest"). He keeps track of their snobbery and their social one-upmanship with all the attention to detail of a seasoned society columnist.

Książka "The Good Life" - Jay McInerny - oprawa miękka - Wydawnictwo Vintage. Książka posiada 368 stron i została wydana w 2006 r.