Systemy wegetatywnego rozmnażania paproci w warunkach in vivo oraz in vitro
Elżbieta Zenkteler

Dane szczegółowe: | |
Wydawca: | Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM |
Oprawa: | miękka |
Ilość stron: | 150 s. |
Wymiar: | 205x290 mm |
EAN: | 9788323210214 |
ISBN: | 83-232-1021-7 |
ISSN: | 0554-811X |
Data: | 2001-01-23 |
Opis książki:
Książka jest obszernym traktatem na temat rozmnażania wegetatywnego paproci. Doświadczenie autorki, wybitnego specjalisty w zakresie kultur in vitro roślin zarodnikowych, zaowocowało dziełem cennym z poznawczego i praktycznego punktu widzenia. Praca jest wielostronna, doświadczenia wykonano, stosując szeroki wachlarz skomplikowanych metod i technik badawczych. Zawiera rozległą wiedzę na temat mikrorozmnażania paproci. Służy ponadto szczytnemu celowi - stwarza możliwość ratowania ginących gatunków tych pięknych i starożytnych roślin.
Systems of vegetative propagation of fern in vivo and in vitro
In Polish ferns were distinguished three types of branching (acrogenic, lateral and phyllogenic) and respective systems of clonal growth (net plagiotropic, linear plagiotropic and linear orthotropic). Systems of vegetative propagation of ferns in vivo depend on the frequency of rhizome branching. In order to obtain more efficient results of ferns propagation rhizome division methods have been developed ex situ. The micropropagation was preceded by pre-treatments of rhizomes, aimed at rejuvenating the mature rhizome by stimulation of adventitious buds regeneration. Explant pre-treatments with a mixture of fungistatic, antibiotic and fungicide were applied to eliminate contaminations caused by fungi, yeast and bacteria. The extensive browning of fern tissues (caused by secretion of phenolic compounds) was prevented by soaking explants in cold water with antioxidants and using a medium with addition of activated charcoal. During in vitro propagation a standardized method has been developed using the different combinations of growth regulators and sucrose. Ferns callus proliferation was stimulated by KIN and TDZ. Under the influence of cytokinins from shoot apex proliferated globular callu-s aggregates, next meristematic centers took place, which developed into numerous clusters of sporophytes. Analysis of fern life cycle showed that under in vitro conditions, the cycle was often shortened from omitting the most time- and energy-consuming procesess (syngamy and meiosis).
Książka "Systemy wegetatywnego rozmnażania paproci w warunkach in vivo oraz in vitro" - Elżbieta Zenkteler - oprawa miękka - Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM.