Dane szczegółowe: | |
Wydawca: | Wydawnictwo Naukowe Semper |
Oprawa: | miękka |
Ilość stron: | 128 s. |
Wymiar: | 167x240 mm |
EAN: | 9788390036144 |
ISBN: | 83-900361-4-2 |
Data: | 2001-02-03 |
Opis książki:
The Beginnings of Kuwaits Statehood (1896-1904) is a study on Kuwaits forming as a distinct modern state. The subject of analysis are events of 1896-1904, when the foundations of the future state were laid. In the period under discussion especially three relevant threads are followed. The first one is most strictly connected with Kuwaits inner situation and centred around the figure of sheikh Mubarak, who in 1899 signed the agreement with a British resident in the Persian Gulf, the document which established British protectorate over Kuwait and in rearranging the forces in the area became a source of serious international crises.
Under Mubarak there was a quick and decisive emancipation from the Ottoman controlling power. Yet other, external conditions bearing upon the processes taking place in the country cannot be ignored. The second thread are, then, events and processes in neighbouring areas; the author is mainly concerned with the formation of social-political structures in north-east and central Arabia and their interactions, which were often violent in character and significantly affected the political situation of the region.
The third -- international -- thread is that of competition between the great powers, especially Great Britain and Turkey, for influences in the Persian Gulf. Although treated as the last one, that thread is by no means marginal and cannot be regarded as such. The British politics was a great, if not fundamental, import for the political emancipation of Kuwait; in any case, it undoubtedly is to be seen as a supporting and contributing factor in the formation of sheikhdom.
The study is based on documents of British colonial administration to be found in India Ofiice in London.
The author thanks the British Academy for the possibility of research in the London archives and Professor R.ÿSerjeant and Dr R. Bidwell from the Middle East Cetre at Cambridge for their most useful talks and suggestions.
Książka "Początki państwowości Kuwejtu 1896-1904" - Jerzy Zdanowski - oprawa miękka - Wydawnictwo Naukowe Semper.
Spis treści:
1. Związki Kuwejtu z Imperium Osmańskim przed 1896 rokiem
2. Wydarzenia 17 maja 1896 roku
3. Porozumienie 1899 roku z Wielką Brytanią
4. Konflikt z Ibn Raszidem
5. Kryzysy kuwejckie
6. Sukcesy Mubaraka i porażka Turcji
Załącznik -- tekst porozumienia 1899 roku
Indeks nazwisk