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Tytuł książki:

Organized civilization

Autor książki:

Michał Baran, Marek Babik

Dane szczegółowe:
Wydawca: WAM
Rok wyd.: 2008
Oprawa: miękka
Ilość stron: 264 s.
Wymiar: 167X240 mm
EAN: 9788375051667
ISBN: 978-83-7505-166-7
Data: 2008-11-28
Cena wydawcy: 28.00 złpozycja niedostępna

Opis książki:

Observation of the phenomena pervading contemporary world leads to the realization that the sphere of the individual and independent activity is shrinking. The ongoing division of labour, growing number of organizations with a special purpose (set up with a view of achieving narrowly defined, particular objectives) only reinforce the individual reliance on the environment. Nowadays it is really difficult to imagine an average inhabitant of our circle of culture to manage without the main achievements of civilization (e.g. in the sphere of healthcare, life rescue, for that matter). A price to be paid for the possibility of realization of the ever more sophisticated objectives, also entails the requirement of continuous betterment of one`s qualifications and this ongoing broadening and upgrading of one`s knowledge. The scope of responsibilities, competences and duties attributed to traditional social roles is also evolving. What may be observed is the increasing prevalence of the individuals unable to find a place for themselves in society or who are depleted of a motivating force.

Książka "Organized civilization" - Michał Baran, Marek Babik - oprawa miękka - Wydawnictwo WAM. Książka posiada 264 stron i została wydana w 2008 r.