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Objective First Presentation Plus DVD-ROM

Dane szczegółowe:
EAN: 9781107628571
Data: 2023-04-04
Ostatni egzemplarz! pozycja dostępna Wyślemy w czasie: 1-3 dni

Opis Gry/Programu:

Fourth edition of the best-selling Cambridge English: First (FCE) course, updated to prepare for the 2015 revised exam. Objective First Presentation Plus allows teachers to present and interact directly with the Students Book, Workbook and Class Audio at the front of the classroom. With Presentation Plus you can highlight, write and erase; hide and reveal text and images; zoom in and out; create notes and save annotations; attach your own web links; display answer keys; play all Class Audio and display the listening scripts; and connect to Cambridge Dictionaries Online via the internet. Presentation Plus can be used with all types of interactive whiteboards or with a computer and projector.

Gra/Program „Objective First Presentation Plus DVD-ROM” - oprawa Pudełko DVD - Producent: CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS. Cena 945.23 zł. Zapraszamy na zakupy!