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Tytuł książki:

Lions Honey

Autor książki:

David Grossman

Dane szczegółowe:
Wydawca: Canongate Books Ltd.
Rok wyd.: 2006
Oprawa: miękka
Ilość stron: 156 s.
Wymiar: 130x195 mm
EAN: 9781841957715
ISBN: 1841957712
Data: 2008-11-13
pozycja niedostępna

Opis książki:

There are few other Bible stories with so much drama and action, narrative fireworks and raw emotion, as we find in the tale of Samson: the battle with the lion; the three hundred burning foxes; the women he bedded and the one woman that he loved; his betrayal by all the women in his life, from his mother to Delilah; and, in the end, his murderous suicide, when he brought the house down on himself and three thousand Philistines. Yet, beyond the wild impulsiveness, the chaos, the din, we can make out a life story that is, at bottom, the tortured journey of a single, lonely and turbulent soul who never found, anywhere, a true home in the world, whose very body was a harsh place of exile. For me, this discovery, this recognition, is the point at which the myth - for all its grand images, its larger-than-life adventures - slips silently into the day-to-day existence of each of us, into our most private moments, our buried secrets.

Książka "Lions Honey" - David Grossman - oprawa miękka - Wydawnictwo Canongate Books Ltd.. Książka posiada 156 stron i została wydana w 2006 r.