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Epistomology of the Composing Process: Wiriting in English for General Academic Purposes

Dane szczegółowe:
Wydawca: Uniwersytetu Opolskiego
Oprawa: miękka
Ilość stron: 210 s.
Wymiar: 165x240 mm
EAN: 9788373950504
ISBN: 83-7395-050-8
Data: 2007-05-22
Cena wydawcy: 20.00 złpozycja niedostępna

Opis podręcznika:

The developments in composition studies since the 1960s have culminated in the view that writing and knowing cannot be understood as independent processes, with writing being reduced to providing a fitting linguistic form for pre-existing knowledge. This traditional view has been challenged by one where composing and knowing are seen as equivalent processes, and where the interaction between the elements of the composing process is seen as constitutive of knowledge-the elements of composing including the writer/knower, the audience/discourse community, their material conditions of existence, and their language. In this view, composing becomes a specific and a special way of knowing. The language-based dialectic between writer, discourse community, and material reality (with the three being in fact knowable only as language constructs) defines knowledge as dynamic, local, and situated rather than static, eternal, and absolute. When composing and knowing are thus understood as virtually identical processes, invention is seen as central to rhetoric, while rhetoric is seen as equivalent to epistemology and as such included in ideology. If attention to the social mechanisms of knowledge-making is removed from rhetoric, then it becomes easily reduced to prescribing the conventions of dominant discursive practices as if they were natural, static, and universally accepted throughout a community. My reason for adopting an epistemic perspective on writing arises out of the basic conviction that our ultimate responsibility as academic teachers in a democratic society is to develop our students` critical thinking skills. Without a critical mass of well-educated citizens capable of critical thinking, the chances of democracy prospering are certainly dim.

Tematem książki jest wyjaśnienie natury pisania, które nie może być dłużej rozumiane jako "ubieranie myśli w słowa". Książka ma być pomocna nie tylko tym, którzy uczą polskich studentów pisania w języku angielskim, lecz wszystkim, którym leży na sercu jakość kształcenia na polskich anglistykach, jako że przedmiotem dociekań jest tu epistemiczna funkcja pisania, czyli pisanie jako sposób uczenia się i poznawania. Pisanie przedstawione jest więc jako integralna cześć edukacji uniwersyteckiej, gdyż istotną cechą kultury akademickiej jest to, że opiera się ona głównie na przekazie pisemnym.

Podręcznik „Epistomology of the Composing Process: Wiriting in English for General Academic Purposes” - oprawa miękka - Wydawca: Uniwersytetu Opolskiego.