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Tytuł książki:

Emotions Emozioni

Autor książki:

Svitlana Jensen

Dane szczegółowe:
Wydawca: Wydawnictwo Poligraf
Rok wyd.: 2024
Oprawa: twarda
Ilość stron: 252 s.
Wymiar: 145x205 mm
EAN: 9788383083506
ISBN: 978-83-8308-350-6
Data: 2024-11-06
pozycja dostępna Wyślemy w czasie: 1-3 dni

Opis książki:

The collection of poems by the contemporary poetess contains more than eighty literary works of various themes. The selection of poems ranges widely. From descriptions of love and family relationships to patriotic and martial poetry. The poetess has a great love for nature and the changing seasons, which is reflected in several of the poems. Symbols of peonies and other flowers, meditative evenings, rural and urban themes are vivid. The poems are characterised by heartfulness, sincerity, coziness and picturesqueness. With the poetess philosophical thoughts and mediative stories, she provides the reader with something to reflect on. The poems are inspired by both memories and actual events. They are not just a simple representation or casting of current events, but contains and expresses the author s views. Heartfelt poems gives the reader a sense of the lyrical heroine overcoming her own suffering and striving to help others overcome their pain - hence the title of the book Emotions. The author uses both rhymed verse, varies the poetic metre (including the style of romances) and relies on free verse. Therefore, let s wish our readers a successful acquaintance with these magical Emotions. The book is published in English and Italian.


Emozioni - un volume di poesie in due lingue: italiana e inglese - e come una bevanda magica che si riversa nei nostri cuori e nelle nostre anime, donandoci speranza, infondendoci incoraggiamento e riempiendoci d amore. Lo spietato invasore ha crudelmente interrotto la vita pacifica del popolo ucraino, separando le famiglie, rendendo i bambini orfani e demolendo le citta. Ma il mondo non e rimasto indifferente a questo crimine, si e unito e si e schierato dalla parte della tormentata Ucraina. Questi sentimenti estremi e inimmaginabili risuonano anche nelle opere. L autrice sottolinea che gli ucraini non si arrenderanno, le persone buone vinceranno e la giustizia trionfera. Scrive dell amore per la sua patria, per sua madre, ricorda la sua infanzia e la normale vita quotidiana ordinaria. E proprio questa normalita, l ottimismo, l amore e la gratitudine che sono come la medicina per i cuori doloranti. La bonta vincera, l amore trionfera - sembra gridare l Autrice, piena di speranza e di fiducia nella solidarieta e nell empatia umana.

Książka "Emotions Emozioni" - Svitlana Jensen - oprawa twarda - Wydawnictwo Poligraf. Książka posiada 252 stron i została wydana w 2024 r. Cena 40.30 zł. Zapraszamy na zakupy!