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Tytuł książki:

Edge of Winter

Autor książki:

Luanne Rice

Dane szczegółowe:
Wydawca: bantam Books
Rok wyd.: 2007
Oprawa: miękka
Ilość stron: 495 s.
Wymiar: 105x174 mm
EAN: 9780553587654
ISBN: 978-05-5358-765-4
Data: 2008-11-13
pozycja niedostępna

Opis książki:

Luanne Rices latest novel, The Edge of Winter, was a delight to read. It is not a fast-paced novel filled with mega-action or explosions. There is no big chase scene or hold your breath pivotal moment. What it does have is a slow, steady buildup of plot and an intense look at the lives of numerous scarred characters and how they are intertwined, brought together by old wars, new wars, love, family ties, death, secrets and forgiveness. If youre patient with this book, youll come to know these characters and care for them...and miss them when youre done.
The Edge of Winter is a journey, rich with details of the land and nature--of snowy owls, windswept beaches and watery graves. It is the story of Mickey and her mom, Neve. A story of sweet, innocent first love and cautious, suspicious second love. Mickey is a teenager with a soft spot for all things wounded, including an injured owl and Shane, a lonely teenaged boy with a passion for surfing. Neve, frustrated with her `deadbeat ex-husband, is drawn to Tim OCasey, the ranger from Refuge Beach, where a German submarine had sank off the coast after being bombed in World War II.
When a rich and powerful man decides to raise the submarine and turn it into a museum, Mickey and Shane are spurred on to save the submarines resting place and a piece of their history. But there are secrets that haunt the waters. Perhaps, the lost souls dont want to be raised. In this story, there are many lost souls who need saving, and that may be its only down side. It may be unrealistic to wrap up every character in a happily ever after theme, but I know (as an author myself) it is so very tempting.
The Edge of Winter is a tribute to Luannes father, a navigator-bombardier who flew in World War II, and to all the men and women fighting wars, then and now, on both sides. The author writes about the far-reaching and ravaging effects of war that carry on for generations. We are shown how forgiveness and understanding can set free even the most crippling guilt. The last few chapters are very emotional and really bring forth the authors message: "It was war."

Książka "Edge of Winter" - Luanne Rice - oprawa miękka - Wydawnictwo bantam Books. Książka posiada 495 stron i została wydana w 2007 r.