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Tytuł książki:

Cracow. St. Mary s Basilica

Autor książki:

Adam Bujak, Michał Rożek

Dane szczegółowe:
Wydawca: Biały Kruk
Rok wyd.: 2012
Oprawa: twarda
Ilość stron: 192 s.
Wymiar: 230x310 mm
EAN: 9788391402184
ISBN: 978-83-9140-218-4
Data: 2005-05-24
Cena wydawcy: 92.69 złpozycja niedostępna

Opis książki:

When a Pole says: St. Mary s Church, it is obvious that one means this particular national sanctuary in the heart of Cracow. Throughout centuries the treasures of art were gathered there; kings, artists, renowned citizens, nobility and simple country folk celebrated their joys and lamented over their sorrows in the Basilica. Recently restored, now it looks so magnificent like never before in the course of its long history, and the famous Gothic altar of Veit Stoss has recaptured its splendour and grandeur from the times of the Master from Nuremberg. The album "St. Mary s Basilica" contains numerous unique photographs of the church, its interior, innumerable monuments, national memorials and many close-ups we would never see but for the help of the master s lens. The whole is superbly supplemented by the text bringing us near the history of St. Mary s Basilica. It is written by Michał Rożek, a prominent historian of art and an expert on Cracow, the author of many publications dedicated to the Royal City.

Książka "Cracow. St. Mary s Basilica" - Adam Bujak, Michał Rożek - oprawa twarda - Wydawnictwo Biały Kruk. Książka posiada 192 stron i została wydana w 2012 r.