Coniferous forests vegetation - differentiation, dynamics and transformations
Andrzej Brzeg, Maria Wojterska
Dane szczegółowe: | |
Wydawca: | Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM |
Rok wyd.: | 2004 |
Oprawa: | miękka |
Ilość stron: | 382 s. |
Wymiar: | 170x240 mm |
EAN: | 9788323214212 |
ISBN: | 978-83-2321-421-2 |
ISSN: | 0554-811X |
Data: | 2001-01-23 |
Opis książki:
The book deals with different problems of phytosociological, typological, ecological, chorological and structural differentiation, as well as with those of natural or man-induced dynamics of broadly approached coniferous forest communities of the Vaccinio-Piceetea class in various regions of Poland and in some other countries. It is divided into 4 thematic sections, concerning: differentiation, syntaxonomy, synchorology and protection of coniferous forests, transformations and dynamics within community and in the landscape, habitat conditions and forest management, and share of vascular plants, mosses, lichens and macromycetes in coniferous forests. The chapters are written by authors representing various branches of biological and forestry sciences from different scientific centres. This book should be of interest for ecologists, phytosociologists, mycologists, specialists of flora and nature protection and foresters working in or studying silviculture, forest-management, and forest-site science.
Roślinność borów iglastych - zróżnicowanie, dynamika i przekształcenia
Tom zawiera zbiór około 50 opracowań wielu autorów różnych specjalności z głównych ośrodków naukowych i dotyczy wybranych aspektów związanych z roślinnością borów i ich siedliskami na obszarach Polski, Litwy i Finlandii. Stanowi podsumowanie długoletnich, oryginalnych badań. Poszczególne rozdziały zgrupowane są w czterech głównych częściach tematycznych: 1) Zróżnicowanie, syntaksonomia, synchorologia i ochrona borów; 2) Przekształcenia i dynamika borów na poziomie fitocenotycznym i krajobrazowym; 3) Uwarunkowania siedliskowe i gospodarka leśna; 4) Rośliny naczyniowe, mchy, porosty i grzyby wyższe w borach i na ich siedliskach - wybrane problemy. Książka, napisana w języku angielskim, zawiera bogatą dokumentację faktograficzną w postaci tabel, zestawień porównawczych, rycin i fotografii.
Książka "Coniferous forests vegetation - differentiation, dynamics and transformations" - Andrzej Brzeg, Maria Wojterska (red.) - oprawa miękka - Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM. Książka posiada 382 stron i została wydana w 2004 r.
Spis treści:
WŁADYSLAW MATUSZKIEWICZ, On the systematics of coniferous forests MAREK KASPROWICZ, MARIA WOJTERSKA, The coniferous forest communities of the Seili Island in SW Finland
RAIMONDAS CIUPLYS, Notes on the diversity and distribution of communities of the Vnccinio-Piceetea class in Lithuania
ANDRZEJ BRZEG, BOGDAN JACKOWIAK, MAREK KASPROWICZ, Differentiation of the coniferous forest associations in the Słowiński National Park MAREK TADEUSZ CIOSEK, ROMAN SIKORSKI, Vaccinia uliginosi-Betuletum pubescentis Libbert 1933 in the Czapłowizna nature reserve, Lochow Primeval Forest
MAREK TADEUSZ CIOSEK, Sphagna girgensohnii-Piceetum Polakowski 1962 in the Jegiel nature reserve near Łochów (Eastern Poland)
PAWEŁ MARCINIUK, MAREK WIERZBA, The silver fir Abies alba Mill, in the communities of the Vaccinio-Piceetea class in the Południowopodlaska Lowland
ANDRZEJ BRZEG, PAWEL RUTKOWSKI, The upland spruce-fir mixed forest Abietetum albae Dziubaltowski 1928 in the Forest Promotional Complex "Lasy Rychtalskie "
ANDRZEJ BRZEG, The occurrence of subcontinental mixed coniferous forests on the Rychwal Plain (Eeastern Wielkopolska) - some remarks
STANISLAW CABALA, ANNA ŚLIWIŃSKA-WYRZYCHOWSKA, Floristic and ecological differentiation of the association Calamagrostio villosae-Pinetum Staszkiewicz 1958 in Poland
STANISLAW WIKA, EDYTA SIERRA, ZBIGNIEW WILCZEK, AGNIESZKA KOMPAŁA, The protection of the coniferous forests in the nature reserves of the Silesian voivodeship
MARIA WOJTERSKA, TEOFIL WOJTERSKI, WOJCIECH SZWED, MARIA PIASZYK, Spruce forests in the Roztoka Valley in the high Tatras
JANUSZ BOGDAN FALIŃSKI, Fires in the long-term dynamics of pine subcontinental forests
JÓZEF K. KUROWSKI, The problem of the naturalness of pine forests - case study Jaksonek nature reserve on the Pilica River
STANISŁAW BALCERKIEWICZ, GRAŻYNA PAWLAK, Selected aspects of differentiation of vegetation of the Leucobryo-Pinetum dynamic circle
WOJCIECH RAKOWSKI, Festuco ovinae-Hypnetum jutiandici - the moss-rich heath developing under the influence of moderate treading of pine forests
JANINA BORYSIAK, JOANNA KOŃCZAL, WOJCIECH STACHNOWICZ, Sigmassociations of the vegetation dynamic circles of Vaccinio uliginosi-Betuletum pubescentis and Vaccinia uliginosi-Pinetum in chosen areas of the Western Pomeranian Province
BEATA BOSIACKA, The character, range and causes of changes in coastal pine forests on the Polish Baltic Coast
TOMASZ ARKADIUSZ ŁABUZ, Vegetation succession on forested and unforested habitats on coastal dunes of the Świna Gate Barrier
AGNIESZKA GRINN-GOFROŃ, Secondary succession in pine monocultures of abandoned farmlands
BARBARA MAJCHRZAK, STANISŁAW CABAŁA, ANNA ŚLIWIŃSKA-WYRZYCHOWSKA, The composition of the herb layer of managed spruce forests in the Beskid Żywiecki range
DOROTA SZUKALSKA, Phytosociological and ecological characteristics of plant communities occurring on dead trees in coniferous forests of the Babia Góra massif
ARTUR ADAMCZAK, Vegetation of early stages of succession on sandy post-cultivated lands - selected examples
JOLANTA MARCINIUK, Segetal communities from the dynamic circles of coniferous pine forests of the alliance Dicrano-Pinion in the Siedlce Upland - occurrence and degree of threat
STANISŁAW BALCERKIEWICZ, GRAŻYNA PAWLAK, The encroachment of spruce onto anthropogenically eroded sites
ANDRZEJ CZYLOK, OIMAHMAD RAHMONOV, The encroachment of Scots pine Pinus sylvestris L. on the area of former sand exploitation in the Eastern Silesian Upland
GABRIELA WOŹNIAK, ANDRZEJ PASIERBIŃSKI, ADAM ROSTAŃSKI, The floristic composition of coniferous woodlands spontaneously developed on postindustrial waste sites in the Upper Silesia Industrial Region
WŁADYSLAW BARZDAJN, BOHDAN DROGOSZEWSKI, JACEK ZIENTARSKI, Spontaneous regeneration of Scots pine Pinus sylvestris L. in mesic mixed coniferous forest in the Forest Inspectorate Gubin
WŁADYSŁAW BARZDAJN, BOHDAN DROGOSZEWSKI, JACEK ZIENTARSKI, A response of pine forests to the cessation of tending and other sylvicultural treatments
JAN CEITEL, JANUSZ SZMYT, Changes in the density and spatial structure of trees in pine stands planted at different initial spacing
WITOLD KOPRYK, RAFAŁ PALUCH, WOJCIECH GIL, The possibilities and justification for application of Scots pine natural regeneration on coniferous forest sites
GRAŻYNA ŁASKA, Transformations of coniferous forest vegetation as a result of forest management
ANDRZEJ BRZEG, BOGDAN JACKOWIAK, MAREK KASPROWICZ, Maps of real and potential natural forest vegetation of the Słowiński National Park
PAWEŁ RUTKOWSKI, IRMINA MACIEJEWSKA-RUTKOWSKA, Coniferous mixed mesic forest as an example of divergence between a forest site type and a unit of potential natural vegetation
ALICJA BARC, Forest communities with silver fir Abies alba Mill, participation versus forest habitat types in the area of the Beskid Mały range
STANISŁAW BALCERKIEWICZ, Some floristic and habitat peculiarities of the coastal pine forests Empetro nigri-Pinetum Libb. et Siss. in Libb. 1940 em. Wojt. 1964 nom. ivers
MICHAŁ FALKOWSKI, KRYSTYNA NOWICKA-FALKOWSKA, Chosen features of Goodyera repens (L.) R. Br. populations in coniferous forests of the Południowopodlaska Lowland
MAJA GLOWACKA, STANISLAW CABAŁA, The common yew Taxus baccata L. share in Querco roboris-Pinetum (W. Mat. 1981) J. Mat. 1988 in Poland.
DAMIAN CHMURA, GABRIELA WOŹNIAK, ANNA SLIWIŃSKA-WYRZYCHOWSKA, The participation of invasive alien plants in the degeneration of coniferous forests of the Silesian Upland ANNA ORCZEWSKA, Natural and anthropogenic coniferous forest communities of the Wapienica Valley and their role in maintaining populations of protected and rare plants
ANNA SLIWIŃSKA-WYRZYCHOWSKA, STANISŁAW CABAŁA, DAMIAN CHMURA, The herb layer diversity and the occurrence of rare and protected vascular plant species in the pine forest Leucobryo-Pinetum in the Olkusz Upland
ZBIGNIEW WILCZEK, EDYTA SIERKA, Protected plands of coniferous forests of the Silesian Beskid
LECH URBANIAK, SŁAWOMIRA FAFEREK, Intrapopulational differentiation of the Scots pine Finns sylvestris L. population from Tuchola Forests expressed in anatomical traits of needles
BEATA JASTRZĘBSKA, The lichens of pine forests in the vicinity of Siedlce.
ANNA BUJAKIEWICZ, Macromycetes in phytocoenoses at the upper forest limit and in the dwarf pine zone in the Babia Gora massif (Western Carpathians)
JANUSZ ŁUSZCZYŃSLI, Basidiomycetes of coniferous forest communities in the Góry Świetokrzyskie Mts