Colloquia Balkanica vol. 2. Macedonia: Land, Region, Borderland
Jolanta Sujecka
Dane szczegółowe: | |
Wydawca: | DiG |
Rok wyd.: | 2013 |
Oprawa: | twarda |
Ilość stron: | 590 s. |
Wymiar: | 170x240 mm |
EAN: | 9788371817946 |
ISBN: | 978-83-7181-794-6 |
Data: | 2013-09-30 |
Opis książki:
The Volume no 2 of “Colloquia Balkanica” entitled Macedonia: Land, Region, Borderland, produced by an international team of researchers under grant No. NN108 187138, presents a synthetic approach to this territory’s history. The key to the research for this synthesis is connected with the image of Macedonia, a consequence of the premise adopted by all the participants of the grant. The period covered by the present volume begins in the times of the ancient Macedonian state and ends with the discussion on the Macedonian nation which took place in the mid-1940s. The first part of the monograph, History, is devoted to the history of Macedonia’s image and also the names “Macedonia” and “Macedonians”, from antiquity to the latter half of the 1940s. Part two, Context, starting from the 17th century and ending with the first dozen years of the 21st century, includes extensive material that is cultural, ideological, linguistic and anthropological in the broad sense of the term. The decision to structure the volume in this way was based on the conviction that the history of notions cannot exist without an ideological and linguistic background, and the territory of Macedonia is a special niche for both these aspects as well as demanding description by ethnographers and anthropologists.
Książka "Colloquia Balkanica vol. 2. Macedonia: Land, Region, Borderland" - Jolanta Sujecka (red.) - oprawa twarda - Wydawnictwo DiG. Książka posiada 590 stron i została wydana w 2013 r. Cena 48.00 zł. Zapraszamy na zakupy! Zapewniamy szybką realizację zamówienia.
Spis treści:
INTRODUCTION (Jolanta Sujecka) 9
Jacek Rzepka
Macedonian ethnicity in Antiquity ... 19
Macedońska tożsamość etniczna w starożytności 66
Irena Stefoska
Fragments from the Medieval History of Macedonia 69
Фрагменти од средновековната историја на Македонија ... 103
fragmenty z historii średniowiecznej Macedonii 104
Dragi G`orgiev
The Name Macedonia in the ottoman period (14th-19th Century) ... 105
Името Македонија во османскиот период (XIV-XIX век) . 135
Nazwa Macedonia w czasach osmańskich (XIV-XIX wiek) .. 135
Jolanta Sujecka
The image of Macedonia and the categories rod - narod - natsiya
in literature from Macedonia in the 19th and frst half of the 20th
century . 137
The Map of Vilayets: Monastir, Selanik and Kosova from the ottoman
period of Macedonia .. unnumbered
(colour plates after p. 224)
The Map of Dimitrija Čupovski from 1913 unnumbered
(colour plates after p. 224)
The Map of Dimitrija Čupovski published in 1936 in Македонски вести. ... 225obraz Macedonii oraz kategorie rod- narod- nacija w piśmiennictwie
z terytorium Macedonii w wieku XIX i w pierwszej połowie wieku XX ... 225
Appendix .. 228
Olimpia Dragouni
The term kavm/kavim - defnition and context for the analysis
of the Dictionary of Three Languages by G`org`ija Pulevski (1875) 228
Rigels Halili
The term njeraz - its etymology and usage in the context of the analysis
of the Dictionary of Three Languages by G`org`ija Pulevski .. 232
The poem Homeland of Nikola Vapcarov from the frst volume of verse
Моторни пѢсни (Poems of engine) from 1940 ... 234
aterina Mladenovska-Ristovska
The Alexander Romance in the Macedonian Tradition .. 237
Александридата во македонската традиција ... 252
Aleksandreida w macedońskiej tradycji 254
rzysztof Usakiewicz
Alexander the Great as a Multicultural Hero ... 255
Aleksander Wielki jako bohater wielokulturowy . 284
anja Roić
Mauro Orbini in the Croatian and Serbian Cultural Context 285
Mauro Orbini u hrvatskom i srpskom kulturnom kontekstu 307
Mavro orbini w chorwackim i serbskim kontekście kulturowym 308
aciej Falski
Macedonia in the Dalmatian historiographic discourse before the
19th century ... 311
Macedonia w dalmatyńskim dyskursie historiografcznym przed XIX w. .. 329
ojciech Sajkowski
from Vinko Pribojević to the french Encyclopaedia - the history of the
South Slavs and the historiography of the French Enlightenment 331
Od Vinko Pribojevicia do francuskiej Encyklopedii
- przeszłość Słowian Południowych w historiografi francuskiego oświecenia 348
Bogdan Trifunović
The Perception of Stefan Dušan’s Empire in the Collective Memory
in Serbia around 1900: the Discourse of Paja Jovanović’s Painting 349
Перцепција царства Стефана Душана у колективном сећању у Србији
око 1900: дискурс слике Паје Јовановића ... 363
Percepcja carstwa Stefana Dušana w pamięci zbiorowej Serbów około 1900 roku:
malarstwo Paje Jovanovicia ... 364
Ermis Lafazanovski
The Aegean Issue and Its Infuence on forming Contemporary
Macedonian National Identity (1948-2010) 365
„Егејското прашање” и неговото влијание врз формирањето на
современиот Македонски национален идентитет (1948-2010) ... 387
„Kwestia egejska” i jej wpływ na formowanie się macedońskiej tożsamości
narodowej w czasach najnowszych (1948-2010) 388
Alexandra Ioannidou
Literature against Concealment and Distortion, or: The true story
of the “Egejci” 389
Η Λογοτεχνία ενάντια στην αποσιώπηση και τη διαστρέβλωση: Η αληθινή ιστορία
των «Αιγαιατών» 412
Literatura wobec uciszania i przeinaczeń: prawdziwa historia „Egejczyków” 413
Olimpia Dagouni
Macedonia in Greek Textbooks (19th-20th Century) 415
Macedonia w greckich podręcznikach (wiek XIX-XX) 431
Marjan Markovik`
The Macedonian language: overview of the contemporary situation ... 433
Македонски јазик: преглед на современата состојба 452
Język macedoński - przegląd stanu współczesnego . 453
Irena Sawicka
The Macedonian language - centre or periphery within the world
of languages. The Slavic and Balkan contexts 455
Pozycja języka macedońskiego w kontekście słowiańskim i bałkańskim ... 481
Rigels Halili
Macedonians in Albania - from ethnic group to national minority 483
Maqedonasit në Shqipëri - nga grup etnik në pakicë kombëtare .. 505
Macedończycy w Albanii - od grupy etnicznej do mniejszości narodowej 505
Adam Balcer
A Historical Glance at the Map and Ethnic Structure of Macedonia
with a Special focus on the ottoman Times ... 507
Mapa i struktura etniczna Macedonii w perspektywie historycznej ze
szczególnym uwzględnieniem okresu osmańskiego . 533