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Anglica Wratislaviensia XLI

Dane szczegółowe:
Producent: Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego
Oprawa: miękka
Ilość stron: 218 s.
ISSN: 1-7966
Cena wydawcy: 18.00 złpozycja niedostępna

Opis książki:

Literature Ewa Kębłowska-Ławniczak, Legitimation and Its Discontent: The Postmodern Condition in "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead"; Grzegorz A.Kleparski, Anna M.Pietrzykowska, Thieves and Their Erring Sisters: Some Remarks on Robert Greenes Picture of Elizabethan Underworld as Presented in "The Third and Last Part of Conny-Catching; Mariusz Marszalski, The Issues of Politics and War in the Drama of Maxwell Anderson; Klara Szmańko, Different Faces of Invisibility in "Invisible Man" by Ralph Ellison; Marcin Tereszewski, The Apophatic Speech of Beckett and Derrida; Piotr Zazula, A Quietist in New York: Mystical Consciousness of Frank OHaras Urban Poems; Linguistics Michał Garcarz, Selected Problems and Techniques of Successful Translation of Military Jargon; Tomasz P.Górski, Przekład i jego funkcja w kulturze języka docelowego; Ewa Rudnicka, Passive and "-no/-to" Structures in Construction Grammar; Kamila Sip, Piotr P.Chruszczewski, Values of American Voters Within Changing Political Context; Applied linguistics Agnieszka Błaszczyk-Szabat, The Role of Inherent Aspect in the Acquisition of Past Tense Morphology in Polish Learned as L2; Anna Michońska-Stadnik, Personal Attributional Style and Predictions of Success in Second Language Acquisition; Michał Szecówka, Inhibiting Factors and Disruptive Forces in Teaching English in Lower and Higher Secondary Schools; Lech Zabor, From Action Research to Second Language Acquisition Research;

Książka "Anglica Wratislaviensia XLI" - Anna Michońska-Stadnik - oprawa miękka - Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego.

Spis treści:

Literature Ewa Kębłowska-Ławniczak, Legitimation and Its Discontent: The Postmodern Condition in “Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead”; Grzegorz A.Kleparski, Anna M.Pietrzykowska, Thieves and Their Erring Sisters: Some Remarks on Robert Greene’s Picture of Elizabethan Underworld as Presented in “The Third and Last Part of Conny-Catching; Mariusz Marszalski, The Issues of Politics and War in the Drama of Maxwell Anderson; Klara Szmańko, Different Faces of Invisibility in “Invisible Man” by Ralph Ellison; Marcin Tereszewski, The Apophatic Speech of Beckett and Derrida; Piotr Zazula, A Quietist in New York: Mystical Consciousness of Frank O’Hara’s Urban Poems; Linguistics Michał Garcarz, Selected Problems and Techniques of Successful Translation of Military Jargon; Tomasz P.Górski, Przekład i jego funkcja w kulturze języka docelowego; Ewa Rudnicka, Passive and “-no/-to” Structures in Construction Grammar; Kamila Sip, Piotr P.Chruszczewski, Values of American Voters Within Changing Political Context; Applied linguistics Agnieszka Błaszczyk-Szabat, The Role of Inherent Aspect in the Acquisition of Past Tense Morphology in Polish Learned as L2; Anna Michońska-Stadnik, Personal Attributional Style and Predictions of Success in Second Language Acquisition; Michał Szecówka, Inhibiting Factors and Disruptive Forces in Teaching English in Lower and Higher Secondary Schools; Lech Zabor, From Action Research to Second Language Acquisition Research;